Gossip begone! Ferreting out our need to natter

You know how it is. Picture this:

You’re at the water cooler.  Your galpal comes up to you, looks around, and hisses under her breath, “You are not going to believe this.” 

Your ears prick up.


“Maria, in accounting,” she gets a little closer, “she just went out to lunch…(dramatic pause)…with David.”

You gasp, “What?”  Your galpal has been harbouring a mega crush on David.  The kind you had on Patrick Swayze after watching Dirty Dancing.

“Yes.”  Her face falls,” They looked really…cozy.”

“Well,” you try to rally your friend, “Maria goes to lunch with a lot of guys…if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah,” she sighs.  “Slut.”  She still sounds sad.  

“Like last month, she went out with that guy from HR.  If that isn’t trying to climb up the ol’ corporate ladder, by, you know, climbing on something else…”

“Yeah,”  your galpal is sounding more lively now.  “Gross.  If that’s the kind of girl he wants, them I am so not for him.”  She  sniffs defiantly.


  Oh, how easy it is to fall into the Jaws of Gossip. We gossip for many different reasons.  There is the delicious, spiteful, schadenfreude gossip.  (Schadenfreude: taking pleasure in the misfortune of others.)  Or even better: gossip hidden behind a veneer of compassion: “Can you believe that Meredith walked on Andrew!  She’d been a beast for years.  I hope that he is surviving this blow, I am just so worried about him!”  Or there’s gossip intended to raise our spirits, like the example above.  And of course, there is the gossip that is not intended to be either malicious or  compassionate, but is simply a conversation point that serves as a way of connecting with others.

So, is gossip really bad?

The gossip trap

There are two big problems with gossip:

  1. It creates false realities.
  2. It undermines your integrity.

Creating alternate realities

Most of the time, gossip is based on speculation rather than fact.  Two thousand years ago in the yoga sutras, Patanjali made a distinction between “true knowledge” and “verbal delusion.”  Even then, the yogis understood that our words have the power to create our reality.  After all, “reality” is simply what we take in and believe with our senses.  When we gossip, we are in the “verbal delusion” realm and are fabricating a reality that may or may not be true. In the example above, we actually have no idea why Maria and David went out to lunch, what “cozy” means, and we also probably have no real evidence for Maria’s past exploits either.  Our galpal is filtering everything that she’s seen through a lens of insecurity and jealousy – so she probably doesn’t have the most reality-based interpretation of events.  As soon as we create a story about someone that is beyond the bounds of what we know to be true, we are creating alternate realities.  This leap of imagination is not so harmful when it involves people we don’t know (“Jessica Alba is having a twins with Ashton Kutcher!”), but it can quickly become toxic and confusing when it involves our co-workers and friends.  Unfortunately, “saying it” often makes it so.  And these stories become hard to dis-believe, even once they’re proved untrue.

Boom goes integrity

When gossip is close to home, it fosters cliques, secrecy, and an “us versus them” attitude.  After all, it feels far more powerful to stew in righteous indignation or judgment than to be vulnerable, have a confrontation, and risk being wrong.  And if we are gossiping locally, there’s always the fear of the gossipee finding out!   This fear leads to alliances, codes of silence, and general duplicity.  Now that we’ve gossiped, we have to be nice to someone that we were just complaining about. When we are forced to act differently on the outside than we feel on the inside, we are compromising our integrity and we become less powerful, open, and loving.  Gossip creates barriers and prevents us from extending the benefit of the doubt or our compassion to others.  There’s a reason that Don Miguel Ruiz advises us in the Four Agreements to “Be impeccable with your word.”   Gossip doesn’t just create a false reality; more importantly, it causes powerlessness, disharmony, and contraction in our own being.  We become smaller.

Removing gossip from your life

In order to be our best selves, then, we need to shelve the gossip.

So, how to we get rid of it?

The first step is to notice when you want to gossip, and to figure out why.  Knowing why you want to gossip will give you keys to stop it in its dirty little tracks. We generally gossip:

  • For power
  • For entertainment
  • To connect

Power gossip!

Problem: we gossip because we feel powerless and we are trying to get our power back.

Solution:  When you feel the urge, ask yourself:

    • Gossip is cheap, short-term solution.  Is there a longer term solution that I can initiate?
    • What vulnerability am I deflecting through gossiping?
    • What avenues do I have at my disposal to create more options for myself?

A note of distinction: there is a difference between gossiping and needing to process an emotional (and potentially messy) response to an event.  Having a good friend that you can  entrust with your process is healing and valuable.  Trust your inner voice to tell you the difference between the two.

Entertainment Gossip

Problem: Quite simply, you’ve got nothing more interesting to talk about.

Solution: Go get a more interesting hobby.  Join a book club.  Ride horses.  Or at least talk about Ashton Kutcher rather than your co-worker.

Connection Gossip

Problem: You want to find a bond with someone, but can’t find a way in.

Solution: Ask them about themselves.  Work a little harder to find a topic with depth.

Gossip Begone

Rooting out gossip from your life is a challenge, but it is well-worth your restraint.   Although initially it may be uncomfortable to refrain for participating in this socially acceptable pastime, upholding your own integrity will ultimately engender you with a sense of clarity, honesty, and inner power.

A final tip: When someone is gossiping near you and seeks your participation (as they will), remember that they are gossiping as a way to find power, entertainment, or connection.  With a bit of compassion and curiosity, you can look a little deeper at their motives and consider speaking to the true underlying cause.  Although this may lead to a more vulnerable conversation, it could also widen the possibilities for a real connection.  And after all, that’s the good stuff, right?

What Tinder has to do with Gandhi


The new art of dating.

Tinder is a strangely compelling (and slightly disturbing) app that allows you to connect with potential dating (or friends?) in your vicinity.  It’s like Angry Birds meets Plenty of Fish.  How it works: you set some parameters, view the profile pic of potential candidates, then swipe right if you’re interested, swipe left if you’re not.  If you both have swiped right, then – BAM- you’re a match and can IM with each other.  Whoo hooo!

Friends, I have been astonished by most of the guys’ profiles that I see. Here’s the breakdown (you can see I’ve given this some – uh, too much? – thought):

  • 35%: pictures with girlfriends or wives that have been sloppily cut out (or even sometimes not),
  • 20%: clearly drunk with the homies (or en route),
  • 20%: with a fish,
  • 10%: it’s a pic of Homer Simpson.  Or a dog with sunglasses on,
  • 10%: jaundiced bathroom selfie, brooding gaze, naked abs optional,
  • 5%: awesome.

Given that a picture and a brief description is all you’ve got to go on, you’d think that the fellas would take a little more care with their selected images.  After all, this is the face they’re putting forth to woo a mate.

Tinder as a spiritual practice

Okay, so before I go too far afield with well-intentioned suggestions for profile improvement, here’s what Tinder has to do with living a spiritual life:

Humans have a rare quality on the planet:  consciousness.

We get to choose, moment by moment, who we want to be.  On Tinder (and most social media), our capacity to consciously choose how we arrive in front of people is obvious.  (If it’s not obvious, you may want to consider how you’re tweeting/fbing/ instagramming yourself.)  But outside of social media, we are arriving in our relationships every day, in every interaction that we have.

How we choose to present ourselves in our relationships – with our family, at our jobs, with strange – is a direct expression of who we are and who we want to be.

On Tinder, we default when we let the app post our Facebook pics with no curatorial input.  In life, we default when we show up mindlessly, unconsciously, and without choice.   When that occurs, we are letting the habit of who we have been dictate who we are becoming.

Rather than defaulting to the easiest path, we can take a little care and make a choice in the moment to be better.  We can step up our game and consciously embody our best vision for ourselves.  And when we make these conscious choices, day after day, who we aspire to be becomes who we actually are.

As Gandhi said: BE the change you want to see in the world.

How do you currently arrive in the world?  How do you want to arrive in the world?

Return, moment by moment, to the extraordinary power of your own ability to choose who you wan to be.  Through his courageous act, others will be inspired.  Change will ripple.  We will all become brighter.

So gentleman, cut the selfies and the drunken pub crawl pics.  Pull out that photo of you in the tux, or with your kids, or on the mountain.

In the process, we’ll raise the bar for everyone by arriving in the world as our best selves.

But most importantly, we’ll remind ourselves of how amazing we really can be.