
We’re gonna make this really accessible.
At least two minutes a day.

Meditation has shown to be incredibly beneficial for your mental state and for stress. Getting into the practice of mindfulness is a relatively low hanging fruit in the health world. We just have to shut off the monkey mind (“one more thing to do!”) and get our butts into those chair (or meditation cushions).
Now, you can do as long as you want, but I’m going to propose that you have a dedicated sit for at least two minutes a day. That means, butt in chair (or on floor) and setting a timer.

Grossly speaking, you can meditate in two different ways: open meditation or focus meditation.

I recommend a focus meditation, in which you choose something (word, your breath, sensation, etc.) to bring your attention to. When your attention drifts, you return back to that object of attention.

Open meditation is where you create a loose awareness of the present moment. (Attention may be prone to wander in this kind.)

Apps can help: 10%, Calm.

I have a bunch of meditations on this site you’re welcome to use.

There are also free meditations online, and at DoYogaWithMe.

Gather your resource and let’s get busy being still!

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