Students in a yoga class

If you want to make yoga your full time passion and career, I recommend you to start slowly. If you have a steady job, do not just up and quit and expect to make a living from teaching from day one. People need to get to know and trust you and that usually takes some time. See if you can reduce the amount of working hours at your main job and start offering a few yoga classes before or after work. In this way you will still have an income if there are not too many people showing up for your yoga classes in the beginning, and you will not feel the pressure of having to succeed at once in order to be able to pay your rent or mortgage.

I know enough yoga teachers who have either burned out (myself included) or are close to it because they teach so many classes every day that they hardly have time for their own practice anymore just to generate some income.

Once you have built a bigger community which stays with you and recommends you to other people, you can think about quitting your job and going full time with yoga. It helps to do workshops at different studios, to blog, also as a guest blogger for other websites, to write a book, even if it is a smaller e-book which you can give away online or to produce videos so you can get a greater outreach.

In the times of self-publishing and Internet, it has never been easier to get your message across. Just have some patience and do not rush into your full-time yoga business. It sure does take some time, especially if you plan to open your own studio. I started my own studio and it took some time to get a steady flow happening, and I had to make some adjustments along the way. We learn so much from our experiences, the positive ones and especially the ones that really help us see things in a new light. It took patience, support from my family and a wonderful community of yoga enthusiasts, but a few years later I was more than happy that I stayed with my dream. It took stamina, persistence and a willingness to be with what was until my studio took off, but it did and today I am enjoying my full time passion offering Yin Yoga teacher trainings!

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